All stakeholders involved in publication in Podjetje in delo/Company and Labour, i.e. the editor-in-chief, editors who are experts in their field (expert editors), editorial board, peer reviewers and authors, must adhere to the provisions of the Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement, which are based on the publication ethics of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors).
1. Duties of the editor-in-chief and the editorial committee
The editor-in-chief shall assess which of the articles received are suitable for publication in Podjetje in delo/Company and Labour. After verifying suitability, the editor-in-chief shall shall appoint two independent reviewers. Only articles that receive two positive peer reviews shall generally be published.
Decisions on the publication of an article must be made on the basis of fair and objective criteria. If the publication of a certain article is proposed by a member of the editorial board, the editor-in-chief may decide regarding its publication after consulting with the field-specific expert editor. The decisions of the editor-in-chief, expert editors, and the editorial board must not discriminate on the basis of personal circumstances such as gender, race, nationality, citizenship, religious conviction, etc.
Information on articles submitted for publication may not be sent or disclosed to anyone other than the author and potential peer reviewers.
In the event of a conflict of interest, the decision on publication shall be taken by editor-in-chief after consulting with the field-specific expert editor. In case they are also in such conflict, the decision shall be made by the editorial board.
The procedure of publishing an article must be fair and appropriate, with due regard paid to the possibility of copyright violation.
Where doubt arises regarding an article or where a complaint is lodged on account of a violation of the provisions of this Publication Ethics statement, the editorial board shall investigate the grounds of the complaint and notify the author. Appropriate measures must be taken if violations are found to have been committed.
2. Duties of peer reviewers
3. Duties of authors
Only articles that have not previously been published and are not in the process of being accepted for publication in other journals may be sent for publication to Podjetje in delo/Company and Labour. The editor-in-chief may, at the author’s proposal, decide to publish an article that has been previously partly published in another journal or publication if the reasons for doing so are justified and properly substantiated.
An author’s article must contain accurate and precise information.
The author must, in accordance with the Instructions to Authors on Articles in Podjetje in delo/Company and Labour, state all the literature and sources used in the article in the appropriate manner.
Authorship is restricted to those persons who have made a significant contribution to preparation of the article. The author must ensure that the article mentions all the relevant authors, and that no person who did not take part in preparation of the article is mentioned as an author.
In the case of co-authorship, the corresponding author must ensure that all co-authors agree with the final version of the article and with its submission for publication.
The author must disclose any financial or other conflict of interest that could affect the results of an article submitted for publication; he/she must also disclose any financial support received for preparation of the article. The author must notify the editor-in-chief of any errors in the article of which he/she comes to learn subsequently after publication in the journal.