Strupene tabletke kot obrambna strategija pred sovražnimi prevzemi

Abstract: For decades now, takeovers have been a prevailing method for gaining corporate control on the market and growing competition led to development of a significant number of takeover strategies. In this article, the authors present one of the defensive mechanisms, namely the so-called “poison pill” or shareholder rights plan and analyse its use. Poison pills are one of the most popular defensive strategies in the USA, but the boundary between their effectiveness and their potential harmfulness is often difficult to determine. This is why they are usually not the first measure taken by companies, since, if improperly implemented, they are not only ineffective, but may also weaken the position of the company that uses them. They are a preventive defensive tactic, usually aimed at deterring or coercing a potential acquirer to pay a higher amount to achieve its objective. It is often combined with other defensive mechanisms.

Keywords: takeover of a company, strategies, anti-takeover defences, poison pills

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