Konflikt interesov pri odobritvi kolektivne odškodninske tožbe,…

Povzetek: Prispevek obravnava konflikt interesov pri financiranju kolektivne odškodninske tožbe s strani odvetnika, ki tožnika v tem postopku zastopa, in njegov vpliv na odobritev le-te. Uvodoma sta predstavljena splošna ureditev instituta odobritve kolektivne odškodninske tožbe in njegov namen. V nadaljevanju je predstavljen konflikt interesov, ki je inherentno prisoten pri odvetniškem financiranju kolektivne odškodninske tožbe, in prenesen na izpolnjevanje testa reprezentativnosti s strani vsakokratnega tožnika skozi prizmo oddajanja izpolnjevanja pogojev reprezentativnosti tretji osebi (oziroma odvetniku). Nato je predstavljen sistem varovalk pri financiranju kolektivnih odškodninskih tožb ter opredelitev avtorja glede potrebe po izpolnjevanju teh zahtev v primeru odvetniškega financiranja kolektivne odškodninske tožbe.

Ključne besede: kolektivna odškodninska tožba, reprezentativnost, konflikt interesov, financiranje kolektivne odškodninske tožbe, odvetniško financiranje, agencijski problem, odobritev kolektivne odškodninske tožbe

Title: Conflict of Interest in the Certification of a Collective Action for Damages Financed by a Law Firm

Abstract: The paper examines the conflict of interest in the funding of a collective action for damages by the lawyer representing the claimant in the action and its impact on the certification of the action. The author starts by outlining the general rules governing the certification of collective actions for damages and the purpose of such certification. The author then introduces the conflict of interest inherent in lawyer-financing of collective actions for damages and applies this to the fulfilment of the representativeness test by each claimant through the prism of outsourcing the fulfilment of the representativeness conditions to a third party (or lawyer). The author then introduces the system of safeguards in the financing of collective actions and discusses the need for these requirements to be met in the case of lawyer-financing of collective actions for damages.

Keywords: collective action for damages, representativeness, conflict of interest, financing of collective action, lawyer financing, agency problem, certification of collective action

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