Povzetek: Prispevek obravnava izzive, ki jih avtonomna vožnja prinaša na področju odgovornosti za škodo, ki jo povzročijo avtonomna vozila. Ti izzivi so povezani s pomembnim trendom, ki vpliva na prihodnost osebne mobilnosti - odločitve o vožnji se s človeka prenašajo na tehnologijo. Obstoječi sistem odgovornosti za škodo, ki jo povzročijo avtonomna vozila, v EU temelji na dveh stebrih: na obveznem zavarovanju odgovornosti za povračilo škode žrtvam prometnih nesreč in na odgovornosti proizvajalca avtonomnega vozila z napako. Z uvedbo avtonomnih vozil v cestni promet se pojavljajo nova tveganja, ki bi lahko vplivala na obstoječi koncept odgovornosti. Je veljavna zakonodaja ustrezna za povrnitev škode, ki jo povzroči avtonomno vozilo, ali pa bi bilo treba razmisliti o novi paradigmi? Vsakršna nova rešitev na tem področju mora biti rezultat tehtanja številnih interesov, upoštevati mora temeljne pravice vseh udeleženih, hkrati pa biti dovolj uravnotežena, da ne zaduši prihodnjih inovacij. Vendar pa noben sistem odgovornosti ni ustrezen, če postopkovna pravila v zvezi z dokazovanjem onemogočajo ali otežujejo dokazovanje elementov odškodninske odgovornosti.
Ključne besede: avtonomna vozila, škoda, tveganja, odgovornost proizvajalca, avtomobilsko zavarovanje, pravila dokazovanja
Title: Autonomous Vehicles and Civil Liability
Abstract: The paper addresses the challenges of autonomous driving in the area of civil liability. These challenges are linked to a trend that is affecting the future of personal mobility - driving decisions are transferred from humans to technology. The existing system of liability for damage caused by autonomous vehicles in the EU is based on two pillars: the compulsory insurance of liability for compensation of damage to road accident victims and the liability of the manufacturer of the autonomous vehicle with a defect. With the introduction of autonomous vehicles in road transport, new risks are created that could affect the existing concept of liability. Is existing legislation adequate to compensate for the damage caused by an autonomous vehicle, or should a new paradigm for liability be considered? Any new solution in the area of liability for damage caused by autonomous vehicles must be the result of weighing a number of interests, respecting the fundamental rights of all parties involved, while being sufficiently balanced not to stifle future innovation. However, no liability system is appropriate if the procedural rules on evidence make it impossible or difficult to prove the error and the causal link between the error and the damage.
Keywords: autonomous vehicles, damage, risks, manufacturer''s liability, car insurance, rules of evidence