Pravica udeležencev do izjave v nepravdnih postopkih v družinskih…

Povzetek: Otroku je bila že z Zakonom o pravdnem postopku priznana pravica, da izrazi svoje mnenje v postopku, v katerem sodišče odloča o varstvu in vzgoji otrok ter o stikih staršev in drugih oseb z otroki. S prenosom odločanja o družinskih zadevah v nepravdni postopek je bil njegov položaj še okrepljen, saj mu zakon priznava pravico, da izrazi svoje mnenje v vseh postopkih, v katerih se odloča o varstvu njegovih koristi. Zaradi varstva koristi otroka lahko sodišče odloči, da se staršem ne dovoli, da bi se seznanili z vsebino razgovora z otrokom, vendar mora v tem primeru dele izjav, na katere je oprlo svojo odločitev, povzeti v obrazložitvi odločbe. Ker je s tem omejena pravica staršev do seznanitve s celotnim procesnim gradivom že v postopku na prvi stopnji, bi moralo sodišče to določbo razlagati restriktivno in staršem omejiti pravico, da se seznanijo z vsebino otrokove izjave, samo če bi imelo razkritje otrokovega mnenja zanj škodljive posledice. Pri tem mora pravico staršem omejiti le toliko, kolikor je to nujno za varstvo otrokovih pravic. Na koncu avtorica opozarja, da bi zaradi vloge, ki jo ima v postopku pridobivanja otrokovega mnenja center za socialno delo, lahko prišlo do zastojev v postopku, s tem pa do kršitve otrokove pravice do sojenja v razumnem roku in posledično celo do kršitve njegove pravice do družinskega življenja.

Ključne besede: nepravdni postopek, pravica do izjave, spori iz družinskih razmerij, postopki za varstvo koristi otroka, otrokove pravice, pravica otroka, da izrazi svoje mnenje, pravica otroka do zastopnika

Title: Right to be Heard in Non-Contentious Proceedings concerning Family Matters

Abstract: The Contentious Civil Procedure Act had already given a child the right to express their opinion in the proceedings in which the court decides on the custody of children and on the contacts of parents and other persons with children. With the transfer of decision- -making in family matters to non-contentious proceedings, the position of children was strengthened, as the law recognises their right to express their views in all proceedings in which the court decides on the protection of their interests. Due to the protection of the interests of a child, the court may decide that the parents are not allowed to be informed about the content of the interview with the child; however, in this case, parts of statements, on which the Court has based its decision, must be summarised in the reasons for the decision. Consequently, the right of parents to be informed about the entire procedural material already in the proceedings on the first instance is limited. Therefore, the court should interpret that provision in a narrow sense and restrict parents'' right to be heard only if the disclosure of the child''s opinion has severe damaging consequences for the child, and only so far as it is essential for the protection of child''s rights. In the end, the author calls attention to the fact that social work centre plays an important role in the procedure for the obtaining the child''s opinion, which could cause delays in the proceedings and lead to the violation of child''s right to the decision in a reasonable time, and consequently even to a violation of the child''s right to family life.

Keywords: non-contentious proceedings, right to be heard, disputes in family matters, proceedings for the protection of child''s interests, children''s rights, right of a child to express their opinion, right of a child to a representative

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