Je v referendumskem sporu ustavnopravno kaj novega
Povzetek: Pravica do glasovanja na referendumu se varuje v posebnem postopku, ki se mu reče referendumski spor. Sodnik je zadnji varuh pravnosti referenduma. Njegov izid mora biti verodostojen odraz svobodno izražene volje glasovalcev. V prispevku so predstavljeni pogledi slovenske ustavnopravne teorije na referendumski spor in stališča ustavnega sodišča iz odločbe U-I-191/17. Z njihovo primerjavo so opredeljene novosti v stališčih o referendumskem sporu in oblikovani nasveti za njegovo bodočo zakonsko ureditev.
Ključne besede: zakonodajni referendum, pravica glasovanja na referendumu, referendumski spor, ustavno sodišče
Title: Is There Something New Regarding the Referendum Dispute from the Constitutional Law Perspective
Abstract: The right to vote in a referendum is protected in a special judicial procedure referred to as the referendum dispute. A judge is the ultimate guardian of the lawfulness of a referendum. The result thereof should be an accurate reflection of the freely expressed will of the voters. The article presents the views of the Slovene constitutional law theory on the referendum dispute and the positions of the Constitutional Court adopted in Decision N° U-I-191/17. By comparing these views and positions, it formulates new positions as to the referendum dispute and provides advice regarding the future legislative regulation thereof.
Keywords: legislative referendum, right to vote in a referendum, referendum dispute, constitutional court
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Elektronski naslov
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