Podnebne tožbe v mednarodnem okolju

Povzetek: Prispevek obsega pregled ključnih podnebnih tožb pred mednarodnimi, regionalnimi in nacionalnimi sodišči s ciljem predstavitve omenjenega pravnega sredstva domači stroki. Do danes je bilo po svetu vloženih že 1588 podnebnih tožb, od tega 1213 v Združenih državah Amerike in 383 v drugih delih sveta, med njimi 57 v državah Evropske unije ali pred Sodiščem Evropske unije in Splošnim sodiščem. Podnebne tožbe so tako danes eden izmed načinov obravnavanja podnebnih sprememb. Vendar z njimi tožniki ne želijo zgolj obravnavati pomanjkljivosti pri spoštovanju pogodbenega režima, ampak postajajo danes del tega režima in tako dopolnjujejo postopke pogajanj za mednarodne sporazume. Pomemben del tega pogodbenega režima je danes tudi v prispevku predstavljena sodba v zadevi Urgenda, prva podnebna tožba, odločena v korist tožnikov.

Ključne besede:
podnebna tožba, podnebne spremembe, mednarodno pravo, regionalno pravo, pravo EU, nacionalno pravo, Urgenda, previdnostno načelo

Climate Change Litigation in the International Arena

The chapter presents an overview of the key climate change lawsuits before the international, regional and national courts, with the intention of presenting these cases to legal professionals. Until today, 1588 lawsuits were filed, among these 1213 in the United States of America and 383 in other parts of the world. 57 were filed in European Union member states or before the Court of Justice of the European Union or the General Court. The climate litigation cases now present one of the tools to address climate change. However, they are not used only to resolve the lack of respect for the climate change law regime, but have become part of that regime itself and hence supplement the negotiation process. The chapter will present the Urgenda case, the first case decided in the favour of the applicant, which has since become an important part of this regime.

climate litigation, climate change, international law, regional law, European Union law, national law, Urgenda, precautionary principle

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