Razmerje med subjekti v družinskih nepravdnih postopkih (problematika…

Povzetek: Avtorja v prispevku obravnavata razmerja med subjekti v družinskih nepravdnih postopkih, še posebej s položajem zakonitih udeležencev ter položajem centrov za socialno delo (CSD). Ugotavljata, da pojem zakonitega udeleženca za slovenski nepravdni postopek ne predstavlja nobene posebne novosti. Prav tako podrobno obravnavata novo vlogo CSD v nepravdnem postopku. Kot posebej problematično področje se kaže razmejitev položaja CSD in položaja izvedenca, kjer pa se avtorja vseeno zavzemata, da se sodišča vzdržijo nepotrebnega postavljanja izvedencev, ki podražijo postopek in podaljšajo njegov tek.

Ključne besede: nepravdni postopek, subjekti postopka, udeleženci, center za socialno delo, izvedenci, druge osebe

Title: Relationship between Subjects in Non-Contentious Procedures concerning Family Matters (Issue of Social Work Centre, Experts and Other Persons Protecting the Child’s Interests)

Abstract: The authors of the article examine the relationships among subjects in non-contentious procedure concerning family matters, with a special emphasis on the role of participants by virtue of law and the social work centres. They find that a notion of a participant by virtue of law does not represent any novelty in Slovenian non-contentious procedure. They also examine in detail the new role of social work centres in non-contentious procedure. They find a delimitation between the position of centres and experts especially problematic. However, they argue that the courts should abstain from unnecessary appointment of experts that can raise the cost of the procedure and prolong its duration.

Keywords: non-contentious procedure, subjects of procedure, participants, social work centre, experts, other persons

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