Svetovalna pogodba

Povzetek: Svetovalna pogodba je v praksi pogost pogodbeni tip, ki ima na področjih različnih strok razmeroma standardizirano vsebino. Svetovalec ima posebno strokovno, tehnično ali drugo znanje, ki ga za dogovorjeno odmeno posreduje naročniku v obliki nasveta ali mnenja. Naročnik se na podlagi svetovanja sam odloča glede svojega nadaljnjega ravnanja. Pogodba v Obligacijskem zakoniku ni posebej urejena, glede na vsebino obveznosti svetovalca pa jo je mogoče kvalificirati bodisi kot podjemno pogodbo bodisi kot mandat. Razlika med njima je zlasti v dolžnosti svetovalca, da si prizadeva za uresničitev naročnikovega interesa. Od pravne kvalifikacije je odvisno tudi, kaj se šteje za napako svetovanja, za katero svetovalec odgovarja.

Ključne besede: svetovalec, konzultant, podjemna pogodba, mandat, napaka svetovanja

Title: Consulting Agreement

Abstract: The consulting agreement is a common contractual type in practice, with a relatively standardised content in the fields of different disciplines. The consultant, who has specific professional, technical or other knowledge, communicates this knowledge to the client, against remuneration, in the form of an advice or an opinion. Based on the advice, the client makes their own decision on their further conduct. The consulting agreement is not specifically regulated in the Obligations Code, and, depending on the content of the consultant''s obligation, can be qualified either as a contract for services or as a mandate contract. The difference between them is, in particular, the consultant''s duty to pursue the fulfilment of the client''s interest. What is considered a consulting error for which the consultant may be held liable also depends on the legal qualification of the contract.

Keywords: consultant, contract for services, mandate contract, consulting error

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