Povzetek: Prispevek obravnava vprašanje pristojnosti Arbitražnega sodišča za šport (CAS). Prikazana je razlika med pristojnostjo in dopustnostjo, nato pa se referat osredotoča na vrste in oblike arbitražnih klavzul. Poseben poudarek je namenjen patološkim arbitražnim klavzulam v postopku navadne arbitraže ter tako imenovanim prisilnim arbitražnim klavzulam, ki so zajete v pravilih športnih organizacij in so relevantne v postopkih pritožbenih arbitraž. Sledi opis prakse senatov CAS, doktrine švicarskega zveznega vrhovnega sodišča, dveh odmevnih odločitev drugih nacionalnih sodišč, belgijskega in nemškega, ter odločitev ESČP, ki so vse relevantne za delovanje CAS.
Ključne besede: CAS, arbitraža, športna arbitraža, razreševanje sporov na področju športa, pristojnost CAS, dopustnost, arbitražna klavzula, prisilne arbitražne klavzule, patološke arbitražne klavzule, specifičnost športa
Title: Resolving Disputes before the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) - Issue of Jurisdiction
Abstract: The article addresses the issue of jurisdiction of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS). A distinction is made between the issue of jurisdiction and admissibility, followed by a detailed examination of the types and forms of arbitration clauses. The emphasis is on pathological arbitration clauses in ordinary arbitration proceedings and on compulsory arbitration clauses, which are included in rules of sports organisations and are relevant in the appeals arbitration proceedings. Finally, the article presents case law of CAS panels, the doctrine of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court, important decisions of other national courts, specifically Belgian and German, and the decision of ECHR that addresses the issue of CAS jurisdiction.
Keywords: arbitration, sports arbitration, sports dispute resolution, jurisdiction of CAS, admissibility, arbitration clause, compulsory arbitration clauses, pathological arbitration clauses, specificity of sport