Povzetek: Prispevek prikaže in analizira posebnosti kazenskih postopkov, ki bodo potekali na podlagi Uredbe o Evropskem javnem tožilstvu. Ta uredba, četudi naj bi prinesla unificirana pravila kazenskega postopka, ureja položaj obrambe zelo razpršeno, na več ravneh, z različnimi pravnimi viri. Izluščiti, kakšen je položaj obrambe, bo zato zelo zahtevno. Dodatno je položaj zagovornika otežen zato, ker njegovo strokovno znanje ne pomeni nujno dodane vrednosti pri vodenju obrambe. Jezikovne in pravne ovire v postopkih s tujimi prvinami so lahko tako zahtevne, da bo sam moral poiskati strokovno pomoč pri tistih, ki so v tujem okolju bolj domači. To pa vodi v postopke, v katerih so stroški obrambe zelo visoki, kakovostne obrambe pa deležni le premožni obdolženci.
Ključne besede: kazenski postopek, pravice obrambe, pravica do zagovornika, Evropsko javno tožilstvo, kazenski postopek z mednarodnim elementom, izločitev dokazov, unifikacija kazenskega postopka
Title: Future Challenges for Defence Lawyers: Criminal Procedures Governed by the Regulation on the European Public Prosecutor's Office
Abstract: The article presents and analyses the specific characteristics of criminal proceedings that will be conducted on the basis of the Regulation establishing the European Public Prosecutor''s Office. This regulation, even if it is to bring unified rules of criminal procedure, regulates the position of the defence very dispersedly, on several levels, with different legal sources. It may prove difficult even to establish the position of the defence. In addition, the position of the defender is also difficult because their expertise does not necessarily mean added value in the conduct of defence. Language and legal barriers in the context of procedures with foreign elements can be so demanding that they themselves will have to seek professional assistance with those who are more familiar with the foreign environment. This leads to procedures in which defence costs are very high, making efficient defence available only to those that can afford it.
Keywords: criminal proceedings, rights of defence, right to a defence lawyer, European Public Prosecutor''s Office, criminal procedure with an international element, unification of criminal proceedings