Povzetek: Plača je eden temeljnih institutov delovnega prava in kot taka pomeni prvi razlog in motiv delavca za delo, obveznost plačila pa je temeljna obveznost delodajalca kot stranke pogodbe o zaposlitvi. Zato je izjemnega pomena pravna ureditev plačila za delo, ki jo sestavljajo zakonske norme in norme v avtonomnih pravnih virih, to je predvsem kolektivnih pogodbah. Zakonska ureditev je med drugim ključni način izpolnjevanja obveznosti iz ratificiranih mednarodnih dokumentov, kot sta Konvencija MOD št. 95 o varstvu plače in MESL, če omenimo le dva. Veljavna zakonska ureditev vsebuje tudi nekaj rešitev, ki bi se v prihodnosti morda lahko spremenile. Avtor izpostavi nekatere rešitve, kot so dodatek za delovno dobo, povračila stroškov v zvezi z delom, določanje višine osnovne plače v pogodbo o zaposlitvi idr.
Ključne besede: plača, obveznost plačila, varstvo plače, osnovna plača, dodatek za delovno dobo
Title: Statutory Regulation of Remuneration for Work and its Relevancy for the Practise
Abstract: Wage is one of the fundamental institutions of labour law and as such represents the worker's first reason and motive to work. Obligation to pay is also a fundamental obligation of the employer. Therefore, legal regulation of remuneration is of extraordinary importance. Legal regulation of remuneration consists of legislation and autonomous legal sources, especially collective agreements. Legislation represents a key mode of fulfilling state obligations to comply withvarious ratified international documents, such as the ILO Convention no. 95 on Protection of Wages and the Revised ESC, to mention just two of them. Positive legislation has some solutions that might change in the future. The author outlines some of them, like seniority bonus, reimbursement of work-related expenses, determination of basic wages in employment contract etc.
Keywords: wage, obligation to pay, protection of wages, basic wage, seniority bonus