Neprava stvarna služnost in stavbna pravica – razmislek o ureditvi…

Povzetek: Ena bistvenih značilnosti SPZ je koncept enovite lastninske pravice. Namen stvarnega prava je urejanje pravnih razmerij med posamezniki, zato instituti stvarnega prava niso vselej primerni za urejanje razmerij v javnem interesu, vendar se v praksi vseeno uporabljajo. Pravna podlaga za gradnjo infrastrukture je včasih služnost. Ker večinoma ne gre za povezanost dveh zemljišč, se v takšnih primerih ustanavlja neprava stvarna služnost. Nekatere njene značilnosti pa povzročajo težave. Za nepravo stvarno služnost velja, da se v korist pravne osebe lahko ustanovi največ za 30 let, investitor pa ima potrebo po pridobitvi pravice za daljše obdobje. Vprašanje pa je, ali naj se ta problem reši s spremembo SPZ ali pa s posebnim predpisom. Stavbna pravica se včasih uporablja, ko investitor razpolaga z zemljiščem, nima pa sredstev za gradnjo. V takšnih primerih se stavbna pravica ustanovi neodplačno, pričakuje pa se določeno stanje zgradbe ob prenehanju. Gre za tveganje, ki ga je zelo težko obvladovati. Zaradi takšnih potreb se je treba zelo pazljivo lotiti sprememb SPZ.

Ključne besede: Stvarnopravni zakonik, stvarno pravo, nepremičnine, neprava stvarna služnost, stavbna pravica

Title: Irregular Real Easement and Right of Superficies - Reflection on Regulation in Law of Property Code

Abstract: One of the essentials of the Slovenian Law of Property Code is the concept of a single property right. The task of Law of Property Code is to regulate legal relationships between individuals. Therefore, the institutions of property law are not always suitable for regulating the legal relations in public interest. However, this is happening. The legal basis for building the infrastructure is sometimes an easement. Mostly irregular real easement is used. However, some of its features cause problems. Irregular real easement could be established for the benefit of a legal entity for a maximum of 30 years. Mostly this period is too short and the investor needs to obtain the right for a longer time. This problem should not be solved with the amendments to Law of Property Code but within the special legislation. On the other hand, a building right is sometimes used when an investor disposes of land but does not have the finances to build the object. In such cases, the building right is established with expectation that the object will be transferred in certain condition upon termination. It is a risk that is very difficult to manage. Due to such needs, changes to the Law of Property Code need to be addressed very carefully.

Keywords: Law of Property Code, property law, real estate, irregular real easement, right of superficies

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