Ljubezen na papirju - vloga notarja pri urejanju premoženjskih…

Povzetek: Reforma družinskega prava prinaša pomembne novosti in spremembe na področju urejanja premoženjskih razmerij med zakoncema, tako v času trajanja zakonske zveze kot v primerih prenehanja, bodisi zaradi razveze bodisi zaradi zakončeve smrti. Med pravnimi posli, ki jih v času trajanja zakonske zveze zakonca sklepata med seboj, so pogoste darilne pogodbe, zato so v prispevku podrobneje predstavljene, zlasti običajna manjša darila. Pomembna novost je možnost sklepanja pogodb o premoženjskih razmerjih, s katerimi se lahko izključi in spremeni zakoniti premoženjski režim. Tako kot vsi pravni posli med zakoncema mora biti tudi pogodba o ureditvi premoženjskih razmerij sklenjena v obliki notarskega zapisa. Vloga notarja na področju družinskega prava se krepi, parom nepristransko pravno svetuje in preverja, ali sta oba in v celoti razumela vse s sklenjenim poslom povezane pravne posledice ter ali vsebina pogodbe o ureditvi premoženjskih razmerij ne nasprotuje ustavi, prisilnim predpisom ali moralnim načelom. Na novo bo uveden register pogodb o ureditvi premoženjskopravnih razmerij, ki se bo vodil pri Notarski zbornici Slovenije. Na področju razveze zakonske zveze je pomembna novost tudi možnost sporazumne razveze pred notarjem. Zasebno razvezo brez sodišča zakonodajalec omogoča zakoncema, ki nimata skupnih mladoletnih otrok ter se pred notarjem sporazumeta tudi o delitvi skupnega premoženja, o tem, kdo od njiju bo (p)ostal najemnik stanovanja po razvezi, in o preživljanju nepreskrbljenega zakonca. Vse to bo lahko imelo posledice v primeru smrti enega od zakoncev. Četudi le v zelo omejenem obsegu, bo vpliv nove ureditve segel tudi na področje načrtovanja zapuščine zakoncev.

Ključne besede: notar, zakonca, darilna pogodba, pogodba o ureditvi premoženjskih razmerij, razveza zakonske zveze, sporazumna razveza pred notarjem, smrt zakonca

Title: Love on Paper - The Role of a Notary in Arranging Property Relations of Spouses

Abstract: A reform of family law brings about important novelties and changes in the field of marital property agreements, either during the course of marriage, in the event of a divorce or death of a spouse. As deeds of gift are frequent among legal transactions concluded between spouses during a marriage, the article discussed them in detail, particularly ordinary small gifts. An important novelty is the possibility of a conclusion of marital property agreements, by which spouses may exclude and change the legal property regime. Just like any other legal transaction between spouses, a marital property agreement is concluded in the form of a notarial deed. The role of a notary in the field of a family law is growing. Before concluding a marital property agreement, a notary shall give spouses impartial advice and make sure that they both fully understand the meaning and legal consequences of a marital property agreement they wish to conclude; the notary shall likewise make sure that the content of the agreement is not in contravention of the Constitution, mandatory regulations and moral principles. A new register of marital property agreements is being introduced, maintained by the Chamber of Notaries of Slovenia. As regards divorce, there is yet another important novelty - the possibility of a consensual divorce before a notary. This private divorce without involvement of a court enables spouses without joint underage children to conclude an agreement on the division of co-owned property, which of them remains or becomes a tenant after the divorce, and maintenance of the dependent spouse. All these could have consequences in the event of a death of one of the spouses. Albeit on a very limited scale, this new regime will have an impact on the field of planning the succession of spouses.

Keywords: notary, spouses, deed of gift, marital property agreement, divorce, consensual divorce before a notary, death of a spouse

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