Razvoj socialne varnosti in varovanje človekovega dostojanstva…

Povzetek: Avtorica v uvodu prispevka navede, da je prihodnji razvoj družbe v prihodnosti odvisen od treh temeljnih dejavnikov: ekonomije, zagotavljanja socialne varnosti ter skrbi za zdravo življenjsko okolje in ohranjanje narave. Gre za razvoj ekonomske (materialne), družbene in okoljske blaginje. Prispevek obravnava razvoj socialne varnosti in varovanja dostojanstva v Republiki Sloveniji kot pomembnega segmenta razvoja družbene blaginje in socialne države. Avtorica prikaže posamezne izbrane odločitve Ustavnega sodišča s področja pravic iz socialne varnosti. Odločitve, ki po njenem mnenju niso prispevale k razvoju socialne države, tudi kritično oceni. Ugotavlja, da je Ustavno sodišče največ odločitev, ki zadevajo socialno varnost, sprejelo na področju pokojninskega zavarovanja, kar je razumljivo, saj je skoraj 30 odstotkov slovenskega prebivalstva upokojencev. Ustava je zakonodajalcu dala pooblastilo, da ureja socialna zavarovanja, na katerih temelji socialna varnost prebivalstva. Zato mora biti Ustavno sodišče pri presojah vsebin teh zavarovanj zadržano. To pa ne pomeni, da ne bdi nad varstvom jedra teh pravic. Če zakonodajalec poseže v bistvo človekove pravice, kar se presoja v vsakem konkretnem primeru posebej, poseže tudi v pravico do človekovega dostojanstva. Dostojanstvo človeka pa je temeljna vrednota, ki pripada vsem ljudem.

Ključne besede: socialna varnost, družba blaginje, ustavno sodišče, socialna država, načelo, človekova pravica, dostojanstvo

Title: Development of Social Security and Protection of Human Dignity in the Decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia

Abstract: In the introduction to this article, the author mentions that the future development of society depends on three fundamental factors: economy, social security, and protection of a healthy living environment and nature conservation. These refer to the development of economic (material), social, and environmental prosperity. The paper discusses the development of social security and protection of human dignity in the Republic of Slovenia as an important segment of the development of social prosperity and social state. The author presents a number of selected Constitutional Court decisions on the topics of social security rights. The author provides a critical review of those decisions that, in her opinion, have not contributed to the development of a social state. The author establishes that the Constitutional Court adopted a majority of cases in social security matters in the field of pension insurance, a consequence of the fact that almost 30 percent of the Slovene population is retired. The Constitution authorises the legislature to regulate the social security insurances underlying the social security of the population. For these reasons, the Constitutional Court must be reserved when reviewing such insurances. This, however, does not signify that the Constitutional Court does not keep watch over the core of such rights. If the legislature interferes with the essence of a human right, as is determined on a case-by-case basis, it also interferes with the right to human dignity. Human dignity, however, is a fundamental value that inherently belongs to every human being.

Keywords: social security, welfare society, constitutional court, social state, principle, human right, dignity

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