Presoja dopustnosti izključevanja referenduma o nekaterih zakonih

Povzetek: S spremembo 90. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije referendum ni več dopusten za štiri skupine zakonov. Poleg teh zakonov zaradi varstva pomembnih ustavnih vrednot ni izključena presoja dopustnosti referenduma tudi o drugih zakonih. Avtorica obravnava nekatera odprta vprašanja presoje dopustnosti referenduma o zakonih, ki jih 90. člen Ustave ne predvideva. Mogoče je domnevati, da bo Ustavno sodišče takšno presojo opravljalo in se pri tem opiralo na doktrino o prepovedi referenduma, ki jo je izoblikovalo v sistemu potrditvenega zakonodajnega referenduma.

Ključne besede: zakonodajni referendum, dopustnost referenduma, ustavnosodna presoja referenduma, varstvo ustavnih vrednot, protiustavne posledice, tehtanje ustavnih vrednot, ustavna demokracija, doktrina o prepovedi referenduma

Title: Review of Permissibility to Prohibit a Referendum on Certain Laws

Abstract: After the amendment of Article 90 of the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, it is no longer permissible to call the legislative referendum for four groups of laws. Furthermore, due to protection of important constitutional principles and values, a constitutional review of permissibility to call a referendum on other laws is not excluded. The author discusses some open questions on the permissibility of referendum about laws which are not provided in Article 90 of the Constitution. One could assume that the Constitutional Court will perform constitutional review of permissibility to call a referendum on such laws, and that it will follow its settled case law and criteria set thereby in the system of confirmative legislative referendum.

Keywords: legislative referendum, permissibility of referendum, constitutional review of referendum, the protection of constitutional principles and values, constitutional democracy, balancing of constitutional values, the doctrine on prohibition of referendum

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