Izključitev delničarja iz delniške družbe
Povzetek: Zakon o gospodarskih družbah (ZGD-1) v celoti ureja načine in posledice izključitve delničarja. Izključitev določa v primeru, če delničar nepravočasno vplača osnovni kapital. V takem primeru gre za poseben kaducitetni postopek, katerega namen je zagotovitev osnovnega kapitala in izpolnitev glavne obveznosti delničarja. Prav tako zakon v delniški družbi dopušča izključitev družbenika v postopku prisilnega umika delnic. Takšna izključitev je mogoča samo, kadar je družbenik s to možnostjo seznanjen že pred prevzemom delnic. Poleg tega ZGD-1 celovito ureja še možnost izključitve manjšinskega delničarja. Kadar je glavni delničar imetnik vsaj 90 odstotkov delnic, lahko enostransko izključi manjšinske delničarje in tako v celoti prevzame obvladovanje delniške družbe. Manjšinski delničarji ob izključitvi dobijo denarno nadomestilo za svoje izgubljene pravice in tudi za bodoče donose, ki bi jih dobili, če bi še vedno bili imetniki delnic. Ključne besede: delniška družba, prisilni umik delnic, izključitev manjšinskega delničarja, kaduciteta Title: Exclusion of Shareholder from a Public Limited Company Abstract: The exclusion of a shareholder from a public limited company is enabled by the Companies Act (ZGD-1). The law fully regulates the ways and consequences of the exclusion of a shareholder. ZGD-1 provides the possibility of exclusion for capital companies in the event that the shareholder does not meet the deadline in which payment of the share capital has to be completed. The exclusion is done by a special forfeiture of shares procedure, whose purpose is to provide basic capital and to force the shareholder to fulfil the main obligations of payment. Likewise, the law permits the exclusion of a shareholder in the procedure where shares of a public limited company are forcefully withdrawn. Such exclusion is possible only in cases where the shareholder is already aware of this possibility before the withdrawal of shares. ZGD-1 also fully regulates the possibility of exclusion of a minority shareholder. In the event that the main shareholder is a holder of at least ninety percent of the shares, they may unilaterally exclude minority shareholders, thus fully assuming control of the public limited company. In the event of exclusion, minority shareholders receive monetary compensation for their lost rights, as well as for future returns that would have been obtained if they were still holders of shares. Key words: public limited company, forced withdrawal of shares, exclusion of a minority shareholder, forfeiture of shares

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