Delničarski direktivi I in II ter ZGD-1

Povzetek: Avtor v prispevku obravnava urejanje delničarskih pravic v okviru EU. Že leta 2007 je EU sprejela Delničarsko direktivo I, ki je bila v Sloveniji implementirana z novelo ZGD-1C. Deset let pozneje pa je bila prva direktiva novelirana z direktivo o spodbujanju dolgoročnega sodelovanja delničarjev, kot odziv na finančno krizo in za reševanje podobnih situacij v prihodnosti. Delničarsko direktivo II bo Slovenija implementirala z novelo ZGD-1K. Ker so v tem trenutku v zakonodajni proceduri aktualne razprave o prenosu direktive, avtor obravnava trenutno veljavno pravno ureditev relevantnih korporacijskopravnih institutov v ZGD-1, povezanih z direktivo.

Ključne besede: pravice delničarjev, nagrajevanje uprave, povezane osebe, identifikacija delničarjev, glasovalna pravica

Title: Shareholder Rights Directive I and II and the Companies Act (ZGD-1)

Abstract: The paper examines the regulation of shareholder rights within the EU. The first Shareholder Rights Directive was adopted by the EU in 2007 and implemented in Slovenia with the amendment to the Companies Act - ZGD-1C. As a response to the financial crisis, in order to prevent or mitigate future crises, the first Directive was amended after 10 years by a directive to encourage long-term shareholder participation. Slovenia will implement the Shareholder Rights Directive II with the amendment to the Companies Act - ZGD-1K. As the discussions on the implementation of the Directive are currently underway in the legislative procedure, the author discusses the current legal regulation of the corporate law institutes of the Companies Act (ZGD-1) that are related to the Directive.

Keywords: shareholder rights, remuneration of the management board, related parties, identification of shareholders, voting right

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