Konzorcijska pogodba za izvedbo gradnje

Povzetek: Sodobne gospodarske razmere, ki jih oblikuje predvsem hiter tehnični razvoj, zahtevajo tudi na področju gradbeništva projektno povezovanje sicer samostojnih gospodarskih subjektov za dosego poslovnih ciljev in uspeha. Zato je konzorcij, ki ni pravna oseba, ampak le začasna delovna skupnost, zelo primerna oblika skupnega nastopanja več ponudnikov pri pridobitvi poslov. V Sloveniji ni zakonsko urejen, vendar temelji na societas, pri čemer se lahko notranja razmerja med člani konzorcija urejajo avtonomno. Standardne klavzule pogodbe o konzorciju urejajo razmerja med njegovimi člani, kot so namen pogodbe, obseg in razdelitev nalog, ki jih prevzemajo člani konzorcija, imenovanje vodilnega člana konzorcija, ki vstopi v pogodbeno razmerje z naročnikom, upravljanje poslov v konzorciju, garancije in jamstva do naročnika, notranje obveznosti v konzorciju, plačila in trajanje ter prenehanje pogodbe. De lege ferenda ni pričakovati zakonske ureditve konzorcija in zaenkrat tudi ni takšne potrebe. To ne pomeni, da se teorija in praksa glede konzorcijske pogodbe ne razvijata, saj v gradbeništvu ta pogodba nima alternative, ne glede na to, kako jo stranke poimenujejo.

Ključne besede: konzorcij, konzorcijska pogodba, član konzorcija - konsort, vodilni član konzorcija, naročnik, ponudnik, skupna ponudba, izvajalec, podizvajalec, garancija, notranja razmerja v konzorciju

Title: Consortium Agreement in the Building Industry

Abstract: Contemporary commercial circumstances demand that commercial subjects who otherwise act independently unite in order to achieve common goals in various fields of commercials activities, including the building industry. Thus, a consortium, not being a legal person but only a temporary working community, represents a very convenient form of joint bidders to acquire a contract. In Slovenia, the consortium agreement is not regulated by law, but is based on rules of societas. The standardised clauses of a consortium agreement regulate the relations among its members, such as contract purpose, scope and distribution of duties to be assumed by individual consortium members, appointment of the leading member of a consortium who enters into the contract with the tenderee, management of affairs within the consortium, guarantees and warranties to the tenderee, internal obligations within the consortium, payments modalities, contract duration and its cessation. De lege ferenda we could not expect that the consortium agreement will be regulated by law. Besides, at the time being, there is no need for such regulation. This does not mean that theory and practice are not up-to-date regarding the consortium contract. There is no other alternative to the consortium agreement in the building industry.

Keywords: consortium, consortium agreement, member of consortium - consort, leading member of consortium, tenderee, tenderer, joint bid, contractor, subcontractor, guarantees, inside relationships in consortium

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