Pridobivanje in uporaba osebnih podatkov v upravnih postopkih

Povzetek: Ob sprejetju Splošne uredbe se je pojavila vrsta novih pravnih vidikov, ki vplivajo na zbiranje in druge oblike obdelave osebnih podatkov v upravnih postopkih. Nanašajo se na vprašanje zakonitosti navedene obdelave z vidika zahtev prava Evropske unije, ki se dopolnjujejo z zahtevami varstva človekovih pravic, predvsem glede varstva osebnih podatkov. S temi izzivi se bosta morali upravna in sodna praksa v Republiki Sloveniji šele soočiti.

Ključne besede: upravni postopek, osebni podatki, Splošna uredba, pravo Evropske unije, človekove pravice

Title: Collection and Use of Personal Data in Administrative Procedures

Abstract: As a result of the adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a number of new legal aspects are emerging that affect the collection and other forms of processing of personal data in administrative proceedings. These concern both the issue of lawfulness of said processing in the light of the requirements of European Union law, which are complemented by the requirements of the protection of human rights, in particular regarding the protection of personal data. Administrative and judicial practice in the Republic of Slovenia will have to face these challenges in the future.

Keywords: administrative procedure, personal data, GDPR, EU law, human rights

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