Odškodninska odgovornost za prekrške v nogometu

Povzetek: Avtor v prispevku glede na specifičnost nogometa kot tekmovalnega športa, stopnjo (ne)kršitve pravil nogometne igre, standardov v njej, upoštevajoč riziko, ki ga igralci (ne) sprejemajo z udeležbo v nogometu kot tekmovalnem športu, odločitve sodnikov, položaj igralcev, položaj in možnosti dosega žoge ter naravo tekme, skuša določiti mejo med dopustnim in nedopustnim ravnanjem v nogometu, pri čemer je vsak primer treba obravnavati kazuistično. V sklepu pride do ugotovitve, da je odškodninska odgovornost za prekrške v nogometu prej izjema kot pravilo.

Ključne besede: pravila igre, splošna pravna pravila, meja protipravnosti, odločitve sodnika

Title: Civil Responsibility for Fouls in Football

Abstract: The article includes five chapters, which present the specificity of football as a competitive sport, level of (non)violation of the rules of football, its standards, taking into account the risk that the players (do not) take solely by participating in football as a competitive sport, the decisions of referees, the positions of players, the position and potential of reaching the ball, the nature of the game. The author attempts to establish the boundary between acceptable and unacceptable conduct in football. In this regard, it is necessary to study each case casuistically, as the circumstances of each individual case vary and should be considered. In the conclusion, the author concludes that civil responsibility for fouls in football is more of an exception than a rule.

Keywords: laws of the game, general law rules, conduct limit, referee decision

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