Izvršitev sodnih odločb v družinskopravnih zadevah

Povzetek: Izvršitev sodnih odločb v družinskih zadevah predstavlja "stičišče" zakonskih rešitev družinskega in izvršilnega prava ter zapleteno pravno področje, katerega ureditev je velik izziv tako za zakonodajalca kot za strokovnjake v praksi. Prispevek obravnava temeljna načela izvršilnega postopka v družinskih zadevah, ki so determinirana s svojo dvojno naravo. Ta se kaže v procesnopravnih in materialnopravnih elementih, značilnih za obravnavano področje. Posebnosti izvršilnega postopka v družinskopravnih zadevah so obravnavane z analizo posameznih faz izvršbe glede varstva, vzgoje in osebnih stikov otrok, in sicer tako faze dovolitve kot faze oprave izvršbe. Analiza trenutne zakonske ureditve in sodne prakse pokaže, da je ponovna presoja varstva koristi otroka na izvršilnem sodišču možna pri odločanju o odlogu izvršbe in da predstavlja kriterij, po katerem sodišče tehta, ali je treba izvršbo nadaljevati ali jo odložiti. Iz primerjalnopravnih ureditev so podani možni predlogi za nadaljnje spremembe.

Ključne besede: izvršilni postopek, družinske zadeve, ZNP-1, DZ, varstvo otrokove koristi, primernost izvršilnega naslova, spremenjene okoliščine, denarna kazen, odvzem s sodelovanjem izvršitelja

Title: Enforcement of Court Decisions in Family Law Matters

Abstract: Enforcement of court decisions in family matters represents the "meeting point" of legal solutions of family and enforcement law, and is a complex legal area, the regulation of which is a major challenge for both the legislator and practitioners. The article examines the fundamental principles of the enforcement procedure in family matters, which are determined by their dual nature, reflected in the procedural and substantive elements, specific to the field under consideration. The peculiarities of the enforcement procedure in family law matters are addressed by analysing the individual stages of enforcement with regard to the care, upbringing and personal contact of children, namely the phase of permission and the execution of the enforcement phase. The analysis of current regulation and case law shows that a reconsideration of the child''s interests by the enforcement court is possible only when deciding whether to suspend enforcement, and that is a criterion by which the court weighs whether enforcement should be continued or delayed. Possible proposals for further changes are given from a comparative legal overview.

Keywords: enforcement procedure, family matters, ZNP-1, DZ, protection of child''s best interest, appropriateness of enforcement title, change of circumstances, monetary penalty, removal of child with participation of enforcement agent

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