Zagovornik, ki svoje dolžnosti ne opravlja ustrezno, in skrb…

Povzetek: Med pravnimi jamstvi obdolžencev v kazenskih postopkih je pravica do obrambe s strokovno pomočjo. V primerih obvezne obrambe, ko si obdolženi ne priskrbi zagovornika sam, mu ga postavi predsednik sodišča po uradni dolžnosti za nadaljnji tek kazenskega postopka. Predsednik sodišča sme v določenih primerih postavljenega zagovornika razrešiti, če ta ne opravlja v redu svoje dolžnosti. Članek obravnava okoliščine, v katerih je zaradi neustreznega dela postavljenega zagovornika potrebna intervencija sodišča, da se obdolžencu zagotovi pravica do poštenega sojenja.

Ključne besede: kazenski postopek, zagovornik, neustrezno opravljanje dolžnosti, pošteno sojenje

Title: Inadequate Performance of Defence Counsel and Criminal Court’s Role in Effective Formal Defence

Abstract: One of the defendants? legal guarantees in criminal proceedings is the right to be defended by a legal representative. If in the cases of mandatory defence the accused fails to retain defence counsel by themself, the president of the court appoints a defence counsel ex officio for the course of criminal proceedings. The president of the court may in some instances withdraw the appointed defence counsel if the latter does not discharge their duty properly. This article addresses the circumstances in which inadequate performance of appointed defence counsel requires an intervention of the criminal court to ensure the defendant''s right to a fair trial.

Keywords: criminal proceedings, defence counsel, inadequate performance, fair trial

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