Varstvo poklicne skrivnosti med preiskovanjem kaznivega dejanja:…

Povzetek: Varstvo poklicne skrivnosti oziroma privilegirana komunikacija med obdolžencem in njegovim zagovornikom je ključni element poštenega postopka (fair trial). Če država ne omogoča varstva privilegirane komunikacije med zagovornikom in obdolžencem ali pa to celo aktivno izrablja, zagovornik ne more učinkovito opravljati svojega dela in temeljne pravice posameznika v kazenskem postopku ostanejo le mrtva črka na papirju. V prispevku so predstavljene praksa Evropskega sodišča za človekove pravice glede varovanja poklicnih skrivnosti odvetnikov, ustavna odločba U-I-115/14-28, ki je zelo podrobno opredelila pomen odvetniške zasebnosti v kazenskem postopku, in spremembe, uvedene z novelo Zakona o kazenskem postopku ZKP-N, s katero so zakonsko urejene zahteve, ki jih je v svoji odločbi postavilo Ustavno sodišče.

Ključne besede: poklicna skrivnost, Ustavno sodišče RS, zaupna komunikacija, odvetniška zasebnost, privilegij zoper samoobtožbo, hišna preiskava, preiskava elektronske naprave

Title: Protection of Professional Secrecy during Criminal Offence Investigation in Light of the Decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia

Abstract: The protection of professional secrecy or privileged communication between the defendant and his attorney is a key element of a fair trial. If the state does not allow the protection of privileged communication between the defendant and his attorney, or even actively exploits it, then the attorney cannot perform his duty effectively and the fundamental rights of the defendant in criminal proceedings are only dead letters on a paper. In the article we will present the practice of the European Court of Human Rights on the protection of professional secrecy between defendants and their attorneys, Constitutional Decision UI-115/14-28, which has radically redefined the importance of professional secrecy in criminal proceedings, and amendment to the Criminal Procedure Act ZKP-N, which regulates the requirements laid down by the Constitutional Court in its decision.

Keywords: professional secrecy, Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia, confidential communication, lawyer''s privacy, privilege against self-incrimination, house search, search of an electronic device

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