Pravica do zagovornika: dva vidika iz novejše prakse Ustavnega…

Povzetek: Prispevek se v prvem delu ukvarja z vprašanjem, kje na glavni obravnavi sedi obtoženi. Iz nekaterih podatkov namreč izhaja, da mora obtoženi nemalokrat sedeti sam na sredini, na "zatožni klopi", in ne ob sodnikovi desni strani, kjer sicer sedi njegov zagovornik. V prispevku se obrazloži in zagovarja teza, da je s tem med drugim kršena obtoženčeva ustavna pravica do učinkovitega dostopa do zagovornika, ter pokaže na izvirne ustavnosodne poti, po katerih bi tovrstne, domnevno množične kršitve te pravice lahko učinkovito sanirali. V drugem delu prispevka je nato analiziran še novejši razvoj pravice do zgodnjega dostopa do zagovornika v praksi ESČP.

Ključne besede: pravica do zagovornika, sedežni red v sodni dvorani, sodni red, človekovo dostojanstvo, kazenski postopek, enakost orožij, pravica do zgodnjega dostopa do zagovornika

Title: Right to an Attorney: Two Aspects from Recent Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights

Abstract: The first part of the article examines the question of where in the courtroom the defendant is to be seated. Some have suggested that defendants are frequently ordered to sit right in the centre of the courtroom, by themselves, and not to the right of the judge, where their defence attorney is seated. We argue that this constitutes a violation of the defendant''s constitutional right to an attorney, which must not be unduly restricted. The article then proceeds to highlight original ways in which this could be remedied in a systemic and effective manner. In its second part, the article then turns to an analysis of the latest developments in the ECtHR jurisprudence regarding the right to an attorney at the earliest stage of criminal proceedings.

Keywords: right to an attorney, courtroom sitting order, human dignity, criminal proceeding, equality of arms, right to an early access to an attorney

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