Ureditev lastništva zasebnih zemljišč, ki so po dejanski rabi…

Povzetek: V prispevku je predstavljeno stanje na področju neurejenega lastništva zemljišč, ki so v zasebni lasti, vendar pa so po odlokih občin kategorizirana kot lokalne ceste in javne poti, kar pomeni, da so ta zemljišča dejansko, ne pa tudi pravno razlaščena. Veljavna zakonodaja ne zagotavlja učinkovitega pravnega varstva lastnikov teh zemljišč, saj morajo lastniki vlagati pobude za oceno ustavnosti odlokov o kategorizaciji, občine pa nato niso pripravljene izvršiti niti odločb Ustavnega sodišča RS. Ključni problemi so predvsem ekonomske narave, saj ni urejen enoten sistem vrednotenja teh zemljišč na ravni države, občine pa tudi niso finančno sposobne pridobiti teh zemljišč z odkupom ali razlastitvijo in se tega sistematično izogibajo. Gre za zelo obsežno področje kršenja lastninske pravice velikega števila zasebnih lastnikov. Zato avtor predlaga, da se s posebnim zakonom uredi lastništvo teh zemljišč na podlagi enotnih pogojev in meril ter tudi z državnim sofinanciranjem, ker meni, da je samo tako mogoče zagotoviti enakopravnost lastnikov pred zakonom skladno s 14. členom Ustave.

Ključne besede: lastništvo zasebnih zemljišč, kategorizirane lokalne ceste in javne poti, enotna merila za vrednotenje, financiranje odkupa oziroma razlastitve

Title: Regulation of Private Land Categorised as Public Road and Public Path by Actual Use - de lege ferenda

Abstract: The author presents the current situation of non-regulated ownership of privately-owned land which, according to municipal ordinances, is categorised as a local road and/or a public path, meaning that such land has been de facto but not de jure expropriated. The applicable legislation does not provide efficient legal protection for the owners of such land, since the owners must file pleas for the constitutional review of the ordinances on categorisation and the municipalities are not willing to implement the decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia. The key problems are economic in nature, resulting from the lack of a uniform system of valuation of such land at the state level, while municipalities do not have the required financial resources to obtain such land through purchase or expropriation, which is why they systematically avoid this issue. This is a huge area of violation of the ownership rights of a large number of private owners. The author therefore proposes the adoption of a special act to regulate the ownership of such land based on uniform conditions and criteria, and co-financing by the state, since they believe this is the only way to ensure equality before the law among the owners pursuant to Article 14 of the Constitution.

Keywords: ownership of private land, categorised local roads and public paths, uniform valuation criteria, financing of purchase or expropriation

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