Managementski trendi v sodobni praksi zdravstvenih zavarovanj

Povzetek: V gospodarsko razvitem svetu so zdravstvena zavarovanja pomemben dejavnik. Zavarovalništvo kot dejavnost brez dobro organizirane distribucije zavarovalnih zastopnikov ter posrednikov in drugih dejavnikov ne more učinkovito funkcionirati. Pri tem sta ključna visoka stopnja profesionalne integritete in strokovno znanje. Zaradi velike tržne skoncentriranosti zavarovalništva in konkurence med nosilci zavarovalne dejavnosti se danes stopnjujejo zahteve po etičnem ravnanju distributerjev, na kar opozarjajo tudi v sodobni praksi zdravstvenih zavarovanj. Posebno pozornost je treba nameniti ustvarjanju zaupanja pri zavarovalcih do zavarovalnice, ki je glavni nosilec zavarovalne dejavnosti. Eden temeljnih ciljev v prispevku predstavljene raziskave je bil zaznati vrzeli v znanju in poznavanju sodobnih praks zdravstvenih zavarovanj, predvsem z vidika najšibkejših členov - zavarovalcev kot potrošnikov. Raziskava se je ukvarjala s poznavanjem zdravstvenih zavarovanj ter njihovih prednosti in slabosti pri zavarovalcih. Poseben poudarek je bil namenjen poznavanju pojmov zdravstvenih zavarovanj v korist družbe ter iskanju odgovora na vprašanje, kako lahko poznavanje ponudbe zdravstvenih zavarovanj koristi posamezniku, ko se odloči za sklenitev posamezne oblike prostovoljnega zdravstvenega zavarovanja. Za ta namen so bile raziskane različne možnosti in na podlagi anketnega vprašalnika empirično preverjeni managementski trendi, ki se pojavljajo v sodobni praksi zdravstvenih zavarovanj.

Ključne besede: razvoj zavarovalništva, zavarovalna pogodba, zdravstveno zavarovanje, zavarovalniška pismenost, potrošniki

Title: Management Trends in Modern Health Insurance Practice

Abstract: Health insurance in the economically developed world is an important factor. Insurance as an activity can not function effectively without a well-organised distribution of insurance agents and brokers, as well as other factors. The management trend dictates that a high degree of professional integrity and expertise is essential. Due to the high degree of concentration of insurance on the market and the mutual competition of insurance business holders, pressure is now being put on the ethical behaviour of distributors, which is also underlined in the modern practice of health insurance. Particularly important is the creation of trust among insurers towards the insurance company, which is the main carrier of the insurance business. This is why the survey is addressing the knowledge gaps in modern health insurance practices, especially from the point of view of the weakest members - policyholders as consumers. The research was concerned with the knowledge of the terms and conditions in the insurance industry, which appear on a daily basis in the modern practice of all insurances, in particular health insurance with policyholders and the advantages and disadvantages of these. Special emphasis is given on the knowledge of the concepts of health insurance in favour of the society and on providing an answer to the question, how knowledge of management trends of health insurance can benefit the individual when deciding to conclude an individual voluntary health insurance. For this purpose, various possibilities were explored and, on the basis of the questionnaire, management trends that appear in the modern practice of health insurance have been empirically.

Keywords: development of insurance, insurance contract, health insurance, health literacy, consumers

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