Varstvo potrošnikov in sodelovalno gospodarstvo

Povzetek: Najbolj pereče vprašanje sodelovalnega gospodarstva za pravo varstva potrošnikov je pravna narava razmerij med strankami, ki so vpletene v transakcijo prek spletne platforme. Od določitve pravne narave teh razmerij je odvisno, ali se v določenem primeru uporabi pravo varstva potrošnikov (v razmerjih spletna platforma - kupec, spletna platforma - ponudnik in/ali ponudnik - kupec). V EU se namreč pravila s področja prava varstva potrošnikov uporabljajo kot lex specialis v razmerju do splošnega obligacijskega prava držav članic in pridejo v poštev le v primerih, ko gre za pogodbe, sklenjene med trgovci in potrošniki (B2C). Če pravne narave razmerij ni mogoče jasno določiti, to povzroča negotovost glede pravic in obveznosti oseb, vključenih v poslovanje prek spletnih platform. Prispevek bo osvetlil to problematiko in podal pregled potrošniške zakonodaje, ki jo morajo stranke pri poslovanju prek spletne platforme upoštevati, ko sklepajo pogodbe s potrošniki.

Ključne besede: varstvo potrošnikov, spletne platforme, razmerja B2C, razmerja C2C, ponudnik, potrošnik, storitve informacijske družbe, nepoštene poslovne prakse, pojasnilna dolžnost

Title: Consumer Protection and the Sharing Economy

Abstract: The most pressing issue of the sharing economy for consumer protection is the legal nature of relationships between parties involved in a transaction through an online platform. The application of the consumer protection rules depends on the determination of the legal nature of these relationships (i.e. online platform - buyer, online platform - provider and/or provider - buyer). In the EU, the rules on consumer protection apply as a lex specialis with regard to the general laws of obligations of the Member States, and can only be considered in cases where contracts are concluded between traders and consumers (B2C). If the legal nature of these relationships cannot be clearly defined, this causes uncertainty regarding the rights and obligations of the persons involved in an online platform transaction. The paper highlights this issue and provides an overview of consumer legislation that needs to be observed when contracting with consumers through online platforms.

Keywords: consumer protection, online platforms, B2C relations, C2C relations, provider/supplier, consumer, information society services, unfair business practices, information duties

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