Skrbništvo za odrasle in skrb za varovančevo premoženje

Povzetek: Novi Družinski zakonik prinaša številne novosti. Skrbništvo za odrasle osebe je deležno ene pomembnejših, saj ni več vezano na odvzem poslovne sposobnosti, ki sta ga še posebej Konvencija o pravicah invalidov in praksa Evropskega sodišča za človekove pravice opredelili kot grob poseg v človekove pravice in s tem razvrednotenje osebe. Odrasli osebi, ki ni sposobna skrbeti zase ter za svoje pravice in koristi in ki je postavljena pod skrbništvo, je treba zagotoviti vso potrebno pomoč na vseh področjih njenega življenja. Skrb za varovančevo premoženje je pri tem ključnega pomena, saj varovancu lahko zagotavlja tudi ekonomsko varnost.

Ključne besede: poslovna sposobnost, popis premoženja, želje varovanca, dovoljenje centra za socialno delo, malomarnost

Title: Guardianship for Adults and Care for Ward’s Property

Abstract: The new Family Code brings many novelties. Guardianship for adults is subject to one of the most important novelties because it no longer depends on the deprivation of the capacity to contract. The latter is determined, especially by the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the practice of the European Court of Human Rights, as a gross interference in human rights and thus the devaluation of a person. Adults who are not able to take care of themselves, for their rights and entitlements, and are placed under guardianship, need to be provided with all the necessary assistance in all areas of their life. Care for property of a ward is of crucial importance, since it can also provide economic safety for the client.

Keywords: capacity to contract, inventory of property, wishes of a ward, permission of the Centre for Social Work, negligence

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