Pogodba o ureditvi premoženjskopravnih razmerij med zakoncema

Povzetek: Pogodba o ureditvi premoženjskopravnih razmerij med zakoncema je novost slovenskega družinskega prava, ki jo je prinesel sprejem Družinskega zakonika. V prispevku avtorica analizira nekatera vprašanja, ki se bodo ob uvedbi instituta oziroma ob njegovi uporabi v praksi nedvomno pojavljala. Na začetku opozori na problematiko poimenovanja instituta, ki po njenem mnenju ni ustrezno, zato uporablja stari, uveljavljeni izraz ženitna pogodba. V nadaljevanju analizira pravne vidike posameznih problemskih sklopov, kot so na primer vprašanja, ki zadevajo subjekte ženitne pogodbe, časovni vidik sklepanja in učinkovanja te pogodbe ter vprašanja njene vsebine. Avtorica prispevek zaključi z ugotovitvijo, da je bila uvedba avtonomije na področju premoženjskih razmerij med zakoncema nujna in je kot takšna dobrodošla, hkrati pa tudi opozarja, da se je Pandorina skrinjica križev in težav pri presoji premoženjskih razmerij med zakoncema na ta način zdaj šele zares odprla.

Ključne besede: pogodba o ureditvi premoženjskopravnih razmerij med zakoncema, ženitna pogodba, premoženjski režim med zakoncema, premoženjska razmerja med zakoncema, zakonska zveza, zunajzakonska skupnost, partnerska zveza, nesklenjena partnerska zveza

Title: Marriage Contract

Abstract: The agreement on the regulation of property relations between spouses (marriage contract) is a novelty of Slovene family law, which was brought about by the adoption of the Family Code. In the paper, the author analyses some of the open questions that will undoubtedly appear upon introduction of the institute or upon use in practice. Initially, the author draws attention to the issue of the institution name, which, in her opinion, is inappropriate; therefore, in the article, the author uses the old and established term: marriage contract. The author continues with an analysis of the legal aspects of specific problems on the matter, such as questions regarding subjects of a marriage contract, the time aspect of concluding a contract and its effectiveness and the issue of its content. The author finishes the paper with the conclusion that introduction of autonomy into a sphere of property relations between spouses was necessary and should be welcomed as such, while also pointing out that the Pandora's box of difficulties in assessing the property relations between spouses has only really been opened.

Keywords: agreement on the regulation of property relations between spouses, marriage contract, marital property regime, property relations between spouses, marriage, cohabitation, civil union, informal (unregistered) civil union

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