Primerjalnopravni pregled nepravdnih postopkov v družinskih zadevah…

Povzetek: Zaradi potrebe po uskladitvi postopkovnih pravil za nepravdne postopke z novimi konceptualnimi rešitvami iz Družinskega zakonika (DZ) na področju urejanja družinskih razmerij je nujno sprejeti novi Zakon o nepravdnem postopku (ZNP-1). Analiza primerjalnopravnih zgledov pokaže, da je družinske zadeve treba reševati čim bolj celovito in enotno, kar bolj prilagodljiva in manj formalna pravila nepravdnega postopka tudi omogočajo. V prispevku so obravnavane potrebne procesne prilagoditve temeljnih načel in splošnih določb nepravdnega postopka. Oporo za nekatere argumente daje prikaz nemške in avstrijske ureditve, ki sta s slovensko najbolj primerljivi tudi zato, ker v obeh pravnih redih družinske zadeve rešujejo v nepravdnem postopku. Obravnavani sta tudi ureditvi nepravdnih postopkov v Italiji in Franciji, ki se uvrščata v krog držav s pravnim redom, kjer imajo podlago za urejanje materije nepravdnih postopkov v civilnih procesnih zakonikih.

Ključne besede: nepravdni postopek, družinska zadeva, pravdni postopek, razmejitev, pojem nepravdnega postopka, primerjalnopravni sistem nepravdnih postopkov, temeljna načela

Title: Comparative Overview of Non-Contentious Procedures in Family Matters from a Developmental Perspective

Abstract: Due to the need to harmonise procedural rules of non-contentious proceedings with the new conceptual solutions of the Family Code in the area of family relationships, the adoption of the new Act on Non-Contentious Civil Proceeding is necessary. The analysis of comparative legal examples shows that family matters need to be tackled as fully and uniformly as possible, which the non-contentious rules with more flexible and less formal nature certainly enable. The article discusses the necessary procedural adjustments of the fundamental principles and general provisions of the non-contentious procedure. Arguments are based on an overview of the German and Austrian rules, which are most comparable to the Slovenian system because family matters are decided in a non-contentious proceeding in both jurisdictions. The authors further discusses the regulation of non-litigious proceedings in Italy and France, which fall into the group of regulations that provide the basis for regulating non-contentious matters in civil procedural codes.

Keywords: non-contentious civil procedure, family matter, litigation, delimitation, the concept of non-contentious procedure, comparative systems of non-contentious proceedings, fundamental principles

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