Avtonomna ureditev plačila za delo danes in jutri - sindikalni…

Povzetek: Širina obravnavanega instituta plačila za delo in vrste drugih pojmov, ki se uporabljajo kot sopomenke, pomeni za delavca osnovni, včasih celo edini vir sredstev za preživljanje sebe in svoje družine. Dogovor o plači, ki mora biti vedno v denarni obliki, in o morebitnih drugih vrstah plačil, če je tako določeno s kolektivno pogodbo, je bistveni element pogodbe o zaposlitvi. Pri določanju in urejanju razmerij med delavci in delodajalci v kolektivnih pogodbah je zelo pomembna vloga socialnih partnerjev in države. Socialni partnerji neposredno določajo ta razmerja, država pa lahko posega vanje ob določanju dajatev od prejemkov delavca in tako vpliva na njihovo izplačano višino, ob tem pa mora zagotavljati učinkovito pravno varstvo pravic delavcev.

Ključne besede: plačilo za delo, plača, osnovna plača, dodatki, prejemki iz delovnih razmerij, socialni dialog, kolektivna pogodba, pravno varstvo

Title: Autonomous Work Payment Arrangement Today and Tomorrow - The Worker Union’s Perspective

Abstract: The scope of the "payment-for-work" institute and a number of other terms used as synonyms for the salary, often represents a basic, sometimes even the only, means of subsistence for workers themselves and their family. The salary agreement, which must always be in cash and other types of payments, if so provided by a collective agreement, is an essential element of the employment contract. The role of the social partners and the state is very important in regulating and determining the relationships between workers and employers in collective agreements. The social partners directly determine these relationships, and the state may encroach upon determining benefits from the workers' income, thus affecting itsamount paid to the worker and ensuring effective legal protection of workers' rights.

Keywords: payment for work, salary, basic salary, allowances, benefits from employment relationships, social dialogue, collective agreement, legal protection

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