Avtonomna ureditev plačila za delo danes in jutri - delodajalski…

Povzetek: Plačilo za delo je bistven element delovnega razmerja. Koliko sta stranki, delavec in delodajalec, prosti pri njegovem urejanju v pogodbi o zaposlitvi, je vprašanje, ki je v praksi zelo aktualno. Ni vse prepuščeno samo njuni volji, pri določanju plačila je treba upoštevati vrsto predpisov, ki omejujejo svobodno dogovarjanje. Plačilo za delo je treba razumeti kot odmeno za opravljanje dela, saj je na strani delavca bistveno, da izpolnjuje temeljno obveznost iz sklenjene pogodbe, ki je opravljanje dela. Elementi plačila za delo so predmet dogovora med socialnimi partnerji in ti dogovori pomembno vplivajo na razvoj plačnega sistema v praksi. Kolektivne pogodbe dejavnosti so tako dober kazalnik raznovrstnosti urejanja plačila za delo, v katerem se poleg nadgradnje zakonskih pravic določajo tudi dodatne sestavine plačila za delo.

Ključne besede: plačilo za delo, plača, osnovna plača, dodatki, prejemki iz delovnih razmerij, nadomestilo plače, socialni dialog, kolektivna pogodba, poslovodna oseba, vodilni delavec, dodatek za delovno dobo

Title: Autonomous Work Payment Arrangement Today and Tomorrow - The Employer’s Perspective

Abstract: Remuneration for work is an essential element of an employment relationship. How much the parties - the worker and the employer - are free when arranging the payment for work in the employment contract is an issue that is very relevant in practice. Not all is left to their will; when determining pay for work, a number of regulations that limit freedom of collusion must be taken into account. The remuneration for work should be understood as compensation for performing a job, since it is essential on the part of the worker to fulfil the basic obligation from the concluded contract, which is work. The elements of pay for work are the subject of an agreement between the social partners, and these agreements have a significant effect on the development of the wage system in practice. Collective labour contracts are thus a good indication of the diversity of the regulation of pay for work, in which, in addition to the upgrade of legal rights, additional components of pay for work are also determined.

Keywords: remuneration for work, salary, basic salary, additional payments, benefits from employment relationships, salary compensation, social dialogue, collective agreement, manager, executive, seniority bonus

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