Trendi v ureditvi nekaterih reguliranih sektorjev

Povzetek: Prispevek obravnava terminološki instrumentarij v zvezi z regulacijo, deregulacijo in liberalizacijo gospodarskih sektorjev ter te procese v izbranih sektorjih, zlasti v energetskem oziroma ožje v sektorju električne energije v EU in ZDA. Predstavljene so posamezne faze omenjenih procesov in razvojne smernice v zadnjih treh desetletjih. V osemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja je bila deregulacija manj očitna in razvojno še v začetni fazi, pozneje je postala intenzivnejša, v zadnjem času, posebej po finančni krizi in tudi zaradi nekaterih drugih procesov, pa smo priča ponovni regulaciji.

Ključne besede: dogovorjeno oddajanje razpisnih ponudb, regulacija, deregulacija, ponovna regulacija, delitev trga, diskriminatorno ravnanje, dogovori o cenah, ex ante ureditev, gospodarski sektorji, skupinski bojkot, koncentracije, konkurenčno pravo, liberalizacija, nadzor, notranji trg, predatorstvo, zavrnitev dobave

Title: Trends in Regulation of Certain Regulated Sectors

Abstract: The article discusses terminological issues related to regulation, deregulation and liberalisation of economic sectors; furthermore, it analyses individual sectors, especially energy in general and the electricity sector, primarily in the EU and US. It analyses and discusses phases of the above-mentioned processes and development trends, predominantly in the last three decades. During the 1980s, the deregulation was less apparent and developmental, in comparison with later periods it was mainly in the initial phase; later, however, significantly more intensive processes took place. More recently, especially after the financial crisis, and also because of some other processes, we again witness re-regulatory processes.

Keywords: bid-rigging, regulation, deregulation, re-regulation, market sharing, discriminatory behaviour, ex ante arrangement, economic sectors, collective boycott, concentrations, competition law, liberalisation, control, internal market, predatory prices, refusal to supply

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