Položaj večinskega lastnika glede odločanja o vodenju poslov…

Povzetek: V prispevku avtor obravnava možnosti večinskega (kontrolnega) delničarja, da odloča o vodenju poslov v delniški družbi. Pri tem ugotavlja, da ZGD-1 to vprašanje v delniških družbah v dvotirnih ali enotirnih sistemih upravljanja ureja zelo različno. V delniških družbah, ki imajo nadzorni svet, uprava samostojno vodi družbo in odloča o vodenju poslov. Večinski delničar in skupščina pa za odločanje o tem razen v izrednih primerih nista pristojna. Bistveno drugače je v delniških družbah z enotirnim sistemom, kjer lahko večinski delničar prek skupščine daje navodila upravnemu odboru ali izvršnim direktorjem. Avtor podrobneje analizira korporacijskopravne institute, ki zagotavljajo takšno razmerje med organi delniških družb.

Ključne besede: večinski delničar, vodenje družbe, uprava, upravni odbor, nadzorni svet

Title: The Majority Owner and Decisions on the Conduct of Business in a Public Company - Differences between the One-Tier and Two-Tier Management Systems

Abstract: The article discusses the possibilities of a majority (controlling) shareholder to make decisions on the conduct of business in a public company. It concludes that this issue is regulated substantially differently in the Companies Act (ZGD-1), depending on whether it deals with a two-tier or a one-tier management system. In public limited companies with a supervisory board, the management board runs the company and decides on the conduct of business independently. Except in extraordinary cases, the majority shareholder and the general meeting have no (direct) power over these matters. This is fundamentally different in public companies with a one-tier system, where the majority shareholder can - through the general meeting - give instructions to the board or executive directors. The author analyses in detail the corporate legal institutes that provide such a relationship between the bodies of a public limited company.

Keywords: majority shareholder, conduct of business, management board, board of directors, supervisory board

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